
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gary Busey to star in Camel Porno in Saudi Arabia

Following the recent deportation of a Saudi Arabian resident, Omar, Borkan Al Gala, from Saudi Arabia (because the man was, “too sexy”), it has been reported that actor Gary Busey will be playing the role of the real life man who was deported in a new biopic movie coming out in the summer, titled, “جنس الإبل”, or better known as “Sex of the Camels”.
            Busey who has had to learn to speak Arabic for the role spoke to the media and said, “Sex of the Camels is going to be a riveting film, and will really depict the character of Omar and his life-long friend, his camel, Jebadidah”. As of now, there are currently 16 reported sex scenes in the film, five scenes where camel balls can be seen, 9 scenes where Busey’s penis can be seen, and no scenes that anybody really gives a fuck about. HBO announced earlier that the rating of the film would be T, for terrible.
            The director of the film, well known Arab actor, Omar Sharif was asked if he thought the film was controversial and replied by saying, “Would you rather us make movies or make bombs, what is controversy?” Nobody took lightly to his comments, but the American ambassador of Saudi Arabia has been reported to also make a guest appearance in the film. Stay tuned for more news on the movies and the upcoming trailer if you’re interested in Gay Busey, camels, beautiful Saudi Arabian men, and bestiality. Just some of everyone’s favorite things.

Just when you thought there was nothing worse than
 Gary Busey in a camel porno.

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