

How accurate and legitimate are the articles you post?

Our articles are complete works of fact according to our writing staff. Think of us like CNN.

What qualifies you?

Your mother told me I have a way with words.

What sets you apart from America's finest news source, The Onion?

We have many qualified writers from around the world with PhD's in English, journalism, entertainment, and bullshit for the naive. Our staff are dedicated solely to the truth, and will stop at nothing to find the stories hidden in the closet, such as Watergate, 9/11 conspiracies and Tom Cruise. Also, we're funnier...?

Who are the writers and reporters behind Almost Real News?

Let's just say we roll in Hollywood's deepest circles, regularly drink cocktails along the world's most prominent political figures (we have very well made fake I.D.'s) and, as a baby, one of us was graced on the forehead by Bill Clinton's lips; the same lips that graced the clitoris of Hilary Rodham-Clinton. 

Can anyone write for Almost Real News?

Yes, of course. All it takes is a legitimate email, a legitimate sense of humor and a legitimate talent in the oral sex department. First step is the email:

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