
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Kid With 0.8 GPA Applies to Harvard And Gets Accepted; Rejects Acceptance.

A 37-year-old named Thomas Kerfoot with dreams of getting into Harvard Law wrote an angry letter to the Harvard administration explaining to them in a 25 page dissertation, why they should accept him and overlook his 0.8 GPA.
            Kerfoot said that he was sick of being rejected because he believed his GPA did not measure his intelligence and all he ever wanted was to go to Harvard. The letter read, “Harvard, plz accept me, I wll b the bst lawyer ever, u dn’t understand”. Harvard initially rejected Kerfoot multiple times as he applied five times over the last six years, and was rejected every single time. However, on his sixth application, the one with the 25 page dissertation, Kerfoot would finally be accepted.
            Harvard stated that, “Kerfoot’s perseverance is unparalleled in any application they have ever seen”, and stated that the one line in his letter of intent that really assured his acceptance was one that read, “If u dnt accept me, I dnt care, u are al pompous whit wll stret jornul reding ashols”.
            However, although Kerfoot has been accepted and is scheduled to attend next fall, he shockingly declined his acceptance and said, “I jst wnted to c if I cud get in, nd thn say fuk u”.
            He now works at Walmart. 

Thomas Kerfoot, 37, exclaiming, "Fuk Harvard, Luv Ovrals"

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