
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bush Art Museum Opens in Buttfucknowhere, Texas.

Following up on an earlier post that was featured on Almost Real News, Bill Clinton is not the only president that has now been caught painting with strange parts of his body; his penis, but earlier this week, George W. Bush’s art museum opened to the public in Buttfucknowhere, Texas. The main exhibit is one where Bush tried to, “show what he thought of his term as the President of the U.S.”, reported by his advisor, Jeff Collins. The painting is merely a piece of shit on a canvas, literally. It’s brown with some beautiful shades of black.
            There are seven paintings on display, consistently featuring animals, cattle, and vegetables among many other ordinary things. Very absurdist. When a local passer byer was asked what they thought of the exhibit, they said, “Better than his public speaking, that’s for sure”. One of the most expensive paintings which was being auctioned off, was one of the shoe that Bush remembers being thrown at him in 2008; the bidding starts at $10,000. All the proceeds from any of the auctioning will go to fucking up Iraq even more. Bush himself informed our reporters that, “I used three different soft and hard paintbrushes and painted while clenching my ass and scrotum to grasp the brushes; it took me days to complete it, and now I’ve got that Brazilian booty!”
            If you ever have time to go to the South and check out the museum, don’t think about it, just drive by. 

"Fuck the police, I'll paint with my ass if I want to"

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