
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

College Student Deciphers Bon Iver Lyrics During First Listen

Fremont pondering lyrics in front of a Bon Iver album cover
Famous alternative rock group Bon Iver is best known for their howling lyrics, soft instrumentals, that one song with Kanye West and the ability to make a college-aged white girl actually want to have sex with you. Talent and musical expression are key talking points when describing the group, but the integrity of the lyrics are just an assumption as few people understand what lead vocalist and songwriter, Justin Vernon, is saying. 

“I figured it out. [Deciphering the lyrics] really wasn’t that difficult,” said Virginia Tech freshman history major Sean Fremont. “[Vernon's] words flow and glide across your ear canal effortlessly. Bon Iver’s lyrics are beautiful, it’s a shame I’m the only person to successfully transcribe his words during a first listen.” 

Fremont was introduced to Bon Iver last night after his new girlfriend from Seattle told him to “man the fuck up and listen to some Bon Iver.” Since, Fremont has already become a dedicated fan and is currently in the process of transcribing their self-titled album while definitely not high as fuck. 

“Oohhhh schin chuluuu, whencha betta no meyyy neauuuuuuuu,” sang Fremont. “See, it’s really not hard to figure out what he is saying. To anyone who knows anything, this is obviously about the morphology of codependency and excessive duality of the modern African American woman,” Fremont continued. 

If you wish to follow up on Fremont’s transcription of Bon Iver lyrics, please contact him through his Twitter or Instagram, @BonIverLuvver.  -D.F.

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